Use "stemming from|stem from" in a sentence

1. An Autologous stem cell transplant is different from an allogeneic stem cell transplant, which uses stem cells from a matching donor

2. Obligations of the Member States stemming from the adoption of the budget

3. After the stem sprouts from the top of the Corm, little buds pop up from the stem

4. Extraembryonic fetal stem cells come from extraembryonic membranes, and are generally not distinguished from adult stem cells.

5. The Copiousness stemming from his success appears to have taken a toll, however

6. Many Binges stem from food deprivation

7. He dissevered branches from the stem.

8. “Beatnik” was an insult stemming from the recently launched the Soviet Union Satellite, Sputnik.

9. Method for differentiating pluripotent stem cell induced from mesenchymal stem cell into adipocyte

10. What are some good effects stemming from acts of kindness in the congregation?

11. To avoid problems stemming from tackiness, use compounds tailored to provide good release.

12. Propagation is very easy from stem cuttings.

13. 2 He dissevered branches from the stem.

14. This idea may stem from ghoulish novels.

15. Boils and pimples stem from different causes

16. Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.

17. Your errors stem all from your carelessness.

18. The Abandonment of children is an extreme form of child neglect stemming from many causes

19. 1731, from Latin Administrativus, from past participle stem of administrare (see administer)

20. 1731, from Latin Administrativus, from past participle stem of administrare (see administer)

21. In 19 a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour.

22. Ascesis is defined as self-discipline, stemming from the Greek word “Askesis,” literally meaning exercise

23. Stemming from Bill C-43, the Canada Revenue Agency Act, the main topics are:

24. Not all these shortcomings stem from inadequate resources.

25. The branches stem out from a cylindrical truck.

26. All the Ambassadresses are selected from STEM majors

27. The creek splashes and gurgles in a series of descending pools stemming from a small waterfall.

28. Sometimes big Blindsides stem from even bigger blunders

29. Middle English: from Old French Blandiss-, lengthened stem of blandir, from Latin blandiri, from blandus‘soft, smooth’

30. Middle English: from Old French Blandiss-, lengthened stem of blandir, from Latin blandiri, from blandus‘soft, smooth’

31. The portion of the annual amount stemming from the previous year shall be drawn on first.

32. Driven by ACSE research, a new solution for dealing with issues stemming from Environmental Management Systems .

33. Increase in expenditure to cover running costs of six executive agencies stemming from further delegation || + 25,759

34. This is a stem cell that we've developed here in Oxford, from an embryonic stem cell.

35. From Latin Caudex (“tree trunk”, “tree stem”); compare codex.

36. “Autologous” means that the stem cells come from yourself

37. Most house plants can be propagated from stem cuttings.

38. Abrase, from the stem of the Latin verb, is attested from 1590s.Related: Abraded; abrading.

39. Oh, and “Champing” and “chomping” stem from the same …

40. 5 Sadism may stem from a desire to dominate.

41. The active avoidance of any leadership behavior has a destructive impact on organizations, stemming from Absentee leaders’ non …

42. In addition, two major licensing files stemming from R&D contracts are currently under negotiation by ÉTS itself.

43. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the Programme by the European Commission stemming from Bulgaria's participation.

44. His entitlements stemming from Article 41(1) are directly dependent on his family relationship to a Moroccan worker.

45. 11 In 19 a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour.

46. The amounts stemming from the results of inspections will not be included in the yearly balances exercise.

47. Furthermore, judicial monitoring of the operations and activities stemming from the principle of availability should be ensured.

48. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the Programmes by the Commission stemming from Lithuania's participation.

49. - supplementary administrative costs related to the management of the programmes by the Commission stemming from Estonia's participation.

50. - Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA.

51. 20 These leaves arise from an underground stem - rhizome - from which also extend the roots.

52. Exposures causing Byssinosis include cotton dust from bract, leaf, and stem, flax dust from ste

53. Human mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from abdominal adipose tissue.

54. You must stem the flow of blood from the wound.

55. To separate by Abscission, as a leaf from a stem.

56. At its bottom, Buffering problems stem from insufficient internet bandwidth

57. Beatificus { adjective masculine } stemming

58. The word Caveat is a term stemming from Latin, where it translates literally to “let him beware”

59. Before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.

60. Bork, who developed an unfortunate reputation stemming from his role in Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre" in …

61. The largest group, accounting for 53% of unmet needs, was acceptability problems stemming from personal circumstances and attitudes.

62. Cyclosporin-A potently induces highly cardiogenic progenitors from embryonic stem cells

63. From classical Latin abstrūs-, past participial stem of abstrūdere Abstrude + -ive.

64. Originally from classical Latin Absciss-, past participial stem of abscindere abscind.

65. 6 Nervous illness can stem from being treated inconsiderately in childhood.

66. The Coiffing proposals stem from a wager between Scarborough and Axelrod

67. And it seemed that tumors actually begin from a stem cell.

68. Would any direct action stem from promptings of age or gender?

69. Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century CE

70. From classical Latin abstrūs-, past participial stem of abstrūdere Abstrude + -ive.

71. Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA

72. Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA.

73. In addition, the error rate was largely affected by a significant error stemming from one single university beneficiary.

74. Aluniferous David stemming high

75. From post-classical Latin Adornation-, adornatio adornment from classical Latin adōrnāt-, past participial stem of adōrnāre + -iō.

76. From post-classical Latin Adornation-, adornatio adornment from classical Latin adōrnāt-, past participial stem of adōrnāre + -iō.

77. The Blunter is an idea stemming from the highly opinionated screaming and writing that we think of as news today

78. 19 Callus was induced from stem segment and leaf from test - tube plantlet of Melastoma malabathricum Linn.

79. "act of formally denouncing as accursed," 1590s, from Medieval Latin anathematizationem (nominative anathematizatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Late Latin anathematizare, from Greek anathematizein "to devote (to evil)," from stem of anathema (q.v.)

80. Growing Annatto is commonly grown from woody stem cuttings or from seed; direct sow outdoors in fall